Monthly Archives: November 2012

Star Wars Episode 7: Will Disney Make The Cut?

So, Disney has bought Lucasfilm; the people responsible for the Star Wars franchise. As much as I enjoy the Star Wars films and indeed many Disney productions, I cannot help but have a few reservations about their recent announcement.

Before I get into my reasons I want to bring you all back to when Lucas decided to ruin the franchise for the hardcore and avid fans of the films. Before episodes 1,2 and 3 came to our screens we were introduced to the dark, evil and most powerful being in the galactic universe: Darth Vader. We didn’t know where he came from, how he looked the way he did…. or why he possessed strange powers.

In fact, the mystery that was Darth Vader encapsulated everyone that watched the films. We found out that Luke was his son and that Leia was his daughter. At that we didn’t know where or how that came about. I mean Darth Vader a Daddy? Imagine! I was happy with the films. It had everything: weird aliens, Yoda and R2-D2 being cool as always. Fantastic.

Then came the prequel films and disaster struck. I don’t know what possessed Lucas to make them as awful as they were, but they certainly strayed from the original roots of episodes 4,5 and 6. I know some of you are reading this and thinking: ‘I quite enjoyed those films’, but I know that they aren’t as good as the original trilogy. For those who haven’t an idea on what I mean then I will try and show you through the next sequence of images, beginning with the original films first and moving forward:

Episode 4: A New Hope

This was Darth Vader’s first ever scene. Imagine the awe on people’s faces watching that in the cinema

Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back

At-At walkers. Look how amazing these are!!

Episode 6: The Return of the Jedi

Look at their faces!! ^_^

Before I continue, I just want to say that these three films showed us an array of alien races, had many more characters such as; Han Solo, Yoda, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Jabba the Hut, R2-D2, C3PO, Darth Vader, The Emperor, Boba Fett, Lando Calrission and many more. As well as this, the places and species of animals that you encountered in these films were more diverse than the prequel films. Just look at those Ewoks! Moving on I will show you how Lucas RUINED the films for avid fans of the franchise:

Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

If you like him….. I will kill you

A good twenty minutes of the film was taken up with this rubbish

He might be cool, but not as cool as Darth Vader

Episode 2: Attack of the Clones

Basically, the entire film was a love story and poor Obi-Wan a third wheel (nothing compared to the love story between Leia and Solo which didn’t engulf the entire film and made it as boring as twilight. Yes I went there. I compared Star Wars to Twilight :O)

This was the only high point of the film

Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

NOOOOOO MACE WINDU!!! (If the only thing in a film concerns the death of a Jedi not even related to the storyline of Star Wars, then something is definitely amiss)

Oh yeah and this happened…….. 

So there you have it. A small idea on each of the six films. If Disney are to release three more films then I sincerely wish that they stray away from this childish, soppy story that was seen throughout episodes 1,2 and 3. They need to ensure that whoever takes up this project reverts to the old ways of making the films. Bring back the dramatic music, have little focus on the love story and more on the main story. Have more fighting scenes, more lightsaber action, more of everything. In the old films the relationship between Han and Chewbacca was priceless, similarly with C3PO and R2D2. Seeing that these will be the characters that will be in the new films, a focus on them will make it enjoyable, yet interesting to watch. The fighting scenes were epic in the old films and the fact that very little CGI was used to make them, made it more authentic. The prequel films were boring, and the revenge of the sith was only OK. There is an expansive universe that Disney can exploit beyond Vader and the Empire. My only hope is that they make it their own, and keep away from silly characters like Jar Jar Binks or the Trade Federation.

I may add more to this blog in the near future, but I believe that my rant is satisfied for now.

May the force be with you…..

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Posted by on November 3, 2012 in Random


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